Depression 2 Page

What Are The Different Types Of Treatment For Depression?

Types of treatment for depression fall into two broad categories: psychosocial and pharmacologic . Within each category are many choices. Psychosocial treatments include individual therapies, group therapies, vocational services, and family/couples therapies. Furthermore, there are...

My Spouse Is Returning From Active Duty Overseas

What is the risk for depression? Depending on where your spouse is stationed, the risk  for depression may be no higher than the general population, or it may be significantly increased because of  his or...

My Mother Is Depressed But Refuses To See Anyone

What Can I Do? Anthony’s comment: My mother would not seek help for what I believed was depression. She drank excessive alcohol. It wasn't until my friend ’s mother took my mother to an Alcoholics...

I Have Been Treated For Depression In The Past

Can I prevent an episode in the future? Anthony’s comment: I believe there are things you can do, such as relaxation activities of any kind, avoiding high stress situations, and engagement in physical activities. Although...

My Father Died 6 Months Ago. What Should I Do?

My father died 6 months ago. Since then my mother refuses to leave the house, stating that she is still in mourning. What should I do? Anthony’s comment: Everyone grieves at his or her own...

Is There A Link Between Child Abuse And Depression?

Being a victim of child abuse places one at significant risk for adult depression. Studies have found that most young adults who experienced abuse in childhood have had at least one psychiatric disorder diagnosed by...

Why Are Certain People More Susceptible To Depression?

Women are clearly at greater risk for developing depression than men. This may be due to two factors. First, women are physiologically different, which may explain some of the variance. More importantly, women are psychologically...

What Risk Factors Are Associated With Depression?

Knowing the risk factors of developing any particular disease helps to understand the odds of developing that disease. It is important, however, to remember that odds, no matter how favorable or unfavorable, are still just...

Who Is Qualified To Diagnose And Treat Depression?

Many clinicians of various educational backgrounds are qualified to diagnose and treat depression. The choice of practitioner type in part depends on need for therapy, medication, or both. Your internist or family practice doctor can...

What Do I Tell My Family And Friends I Have Depression?

I have been diagnosed with depression. What do I tell my family and friends? Anne’s comment: Because of the stigma surrounding depression, we have been careful with whom we share the facts of what we...

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Individuals with bipolar disorder classically have cycles of depression alternating with euphoric/irritable mood states (called mania ). Several disorders of mood in addition to the depressive disorders listed in Different Types Of Depression involve depression...

Are There Medical Conditions That Could Be Cause For My Depression?

Many medical conditions can have depression associated with them, ranging from endocrine ( hormonal ) disorders, cardiac conditions, cancers, and vitamin deficiencies. Most often, depression occurs independently of another medical disorder, but if physical signs...

Are Any Blood Tests Or Other Tests Available For Depression?

No objective tests are available for depression. Some tests used in research protocols examine levels of certain stress hormones or look at brain functioning. These are research based only, however, and have no utility in...

What Are The Different Types Of Depression?

Several types of depression exist. Depressed (or irritable) mood or a loss of interest in pleasurable activities is characteristic of all types, and all types have to cause impairment in functioning. There are some differences...

How Is Depression Diagnosed?

Depression is diagnosed as part of a complete psychiatric or other mental health evaluation. The evaluation includes a review of current and past symptoms, psychiatric and medical history, family history, social history, and substance-use history....