What Is The Role And Function Of Arteries, Veins, And Capillaries?

The arteries, veins, and capillaries are responsible for transporting blood throughout the body . Their function can be described as follows:

Arteries are muscular, elastic vessels that carry oxy-gen-rich blood out to the body. The arterial system pushes blood throughout the body and bears the highest circulatory pressures; arteries close to the skin produce a person’s pulse.

Arterioles are the smallest and final branches of arte-rial vessels that bring fresh blood to distant parts of the body and then transition into capillaries.

Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that act as exchange agents. They allow oxygen and nutrients to move from the blood to the body tissues and waste to pass from tissues back to the blood to be carried away. Capillaries bridge arteries and veins and then drain into venules.

Venules are the smallest veins that connect veins and capillaries.

Veins are the blood vessels that bring oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.