How Can I Keep From Getting Stung In The Future?

For an allergic patient, there are a number of ways to prevent future insect stings. Suggestions include:

  • Avoid using perfumes, scented soaps, and other sweet or pungent body products.
  • Avoid wearing bright colors that might attract bees.
  • Stay away from blooming flowers when you are out-doors.
  • Avoid eating sweet foods while your are outdoors.
  • Consider wearing protective clothing when outdoors, including long-sleeved shirts, gloves, and hats.
  • Wear shoes when walking outside.
  • When driving, keep your windows rolled up.
  • Have a professional inspection performed, and remove bee hives or other sources of stinging insects near your home.
  • Always be prepared for the possibility of a future sting by carrying emergency epinephrine with you.
  • Purchase a medical identification bracelet (Medic-Alert) that identifies you as having an insect sting allergy. This identification is extremely important in the event that you have a serious reaction and can-not communicate.
  • Discuss with your doctor the possibility of starting allergy shot therapy to reduce your hypersensitivity to stinging insects.