Asthma 3 Page

Is It True That A Person Can Die Of Asthma?

Yes, asthma can be fatal. Thousands of people die each year in the United States from uncontrolled asthma. Asthma is a highly treatable disease. Death from asthma is especially tragic because each one of those...

What is Immunoglobulin E (IgE)?

Immunoglobulins are protein molecules that circulate in the bloodstream. They are part of the body’s immune response to a stimulus perceived as foreign, such as bacteria, parasites, or allergens. There are five classes of immunoglobulins,...

Do I Need To Consult A Physician Who Specializes In Asthma?

Referral to an asthma specialist is advised under two general circumstances: the “tricky” diagnosis, and the need for expert evaluation or treatment. When to Consult an Asthma Specialist To establish the diagnosis If your “asthma”...

Will Asthma Lead To Loss Of Oxygen?

Well-controlled, stable, treated asthma does not affect the lungs’ ability to extract needed oxygen from the air we breathe. Severe exacerbations of asthma, however, have the potential to significantly interfere with the lungs’ capacity to...

What Are The Goals Of Asthma Treatment?

The fundamental goal of asthma therapy is the control of all symptoms, which in turn leads to normalization of lung function and prevention of exacerbations and hospitalizations and allows for an active, healthy lifestyle. Once...

What Are Asthma Triggers?

Gemma’s comment: My daughter and I seem to be especially sensitive to certain foods, like soy and nuts. My daughter feels that if she has a cold, the skin of some foods (e.g., peaches and...

Why Should I Take Asthma Medicine If I Feel Fine?

Perhaps the biggest asthma myth circulating today is summed up in the phrase no symptoms means no asthma. Wrong! The correct concept is “no symptoms means I still have asthma; I feel fine because my...

What Is An Asthma Action Plan?

The National Asthma Education and Prevention Pro-gram’s  EPR-3 emphasizes patient education and the forging of an ongoing active partnership between the patient and the treating healthcare provider in order to ensure optimal asthma treatment. The...

What Is Occupational Asthma?

Gemma’s comment: I worked for many years in a large public building, which was often described as a “sick” building, in part because of its faulty ventilating system. I often noticed breathing problems, especially when...

What Is The Asthmatic Triad?

The first report of what is now called the asthmatic triad appeared in 1922 in La Presse Médicale, a French medical journal. The authors of the report, Widal, Abrami, and Lermoyez, described an association between...

What Is Exercise-Induced Asthma (EIA)?

Exercise-induced asthma is an outdated phrase that makes little sense to an asthma specialist and that is confusing to boot! Exercise is a universal and common asthma trigger that is a cause of asthma symptoms...

What Is Cough-Variant Asthma?

Cough-variant asthma is a type of asthma in which cough is the dominant and sometimes only symptom. A person with cough-variant asthma experiences dry, generally nonproductive cough without wheezing or breathlessness. The cough in that...

What is Bronchoscopy?

Bronchoscopy is a lung procedure that allows the physician to look directly into the bronchi and to obtain samples or biopsies of any abnormalities found in the bronchial tree. Bronchoscopy is said to be diagnostic...

What Is Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Sampling?

When a physician needs information on how efficiently a patient’s lungs are functioning, an arterial blood gas (ABG) can provide the answer. The ABG is a blood test. Performance of a routine blood test requires...

What Is A Methacholine Challenge (Bronchoprovocation) Test?

A methacholine challenge test is a diagnostic test used in the evaluation of suspected asthma when reversibility is not demonstrated on initial spirometry. The methacholine challenge is also used for research purposes to study airway...

What Diagnostic Testing Is Used To Diagnose Asthma?

The most helpful diagnostic tests for suspected asthma are pulmonary function tests, often referred to as PFTs, and the single most important PFT, both for asthma diagnosis and for follow-up, is spirometry. Other useful medical...

How Is The Diagnosis Of Asthma Established?

Gemma’s comment: In my 60s, I had, at different times, two primary care physicians: one whose specialty was gastrointestinal medicine, the other whose specialty was cardiology. In routine interviews, they both asked if I coughed...