Bladder Cancer 3 Page

What Is Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy takes advantage of the methods used by our own immune system to attack cancer cells. There are two types of immunotherapy: passive or active. Passive immunotherapy involves the direct administration by doctors of molecules...

What Is Intravesical Therapy?

Intravesical therapy is treatment for bladder cancer that is applied directly into the bladder. It can be either immunotherapy or chemotherapy. The most common type of immunotherapy is BCG. BCG is immunotherapy that may be...

How Is Urachal Carcinoma Treated?

The best course of treatment for urachal carcinoma is not clear because it is such an uncommon tumor. Patients with metastases are treated primarily with chemotherapy. Patients without metastases usually are treated with a partial...

How Is Carcinoma In Situ Treated?

The treatment of choice currently for carcinoma in situ is intravesical therapy with BCG. Carcinoma in situ in most cases is not adequately treated by resection alone because it tends to be located diffusely throughout...

What Is The Natural History Of Superficial Bladder Cancer?

Superficial bladder cancer is a recurrent and potentially progressive disease. Most studies have shown that patients with a higher stage and/or grade have recurrences more frequently than do patients with a lower stage or grade....

Who Should Receive PDT?

PDT is a new treatment that is still evolving. It is currently given only to patients with recurrent tumors who have failed BCG treatment. Newer sensitizing agents have improved its efficacy. In one study, 84%...

What Is Photodynamic Therapy?

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a cancer treatment that uses a drug and a certain type of laser light to kill cancer cells. A drug that is not active until it is exposed to the light...

Who Should Get Perioperative Chemotherapy?

This question still creates some controversy. Based on the results of the studies, most experts recommend giving perioperative chemotherapy to almost everyone at the time of TURBT, unless the bladder is perforated during the surgery....

What Is Perioperative Chemotherapy?

Perioperative chemotherapy refers to the practice of instilling one of the bladder chemotherapies immediately after TURBT, usually while you are still in the operating room or the recovery room. Traditionally, these intravesical therapies have been...

What is a TURBT (Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor)?

TURBT stands for transurethral Resection of a Bladder Tumor. It requires a specialized type of cystoscope that has been modified to include a mechanism to cut out bladder tumors. This specialized scope is called a...

Do I Need To Get A Second Opinion?

Sometimes you may feel that it is necessary to get a second opinion. You may have concerns about the treatment recommendations or may worry that there are other options that have not been presented. If...

How Do I Select A Urologist And Oncologist?

Once you have been diagnosed with invasive bladder cancer, you should try to select a urologist and oncologist who deal with bladder cancer on a regular basis. Several issues should be considered when you select...

Are There Tests For Bladder Cancer Other Than Cytology?

Although cytology has long been the gold standard for bladder cancer screening, including monitoring for recurrences, it is far from perfect (see Question 33), and there is great interest in finding an even better test....

What Is Fluorescence Cystoscopy?

Carcinoma in situ can be difficult to see during a routine cystoscopy. Your urologist may take random biopsies of the bladder and send them to pathology, hoping to catch the area that has carcinoma in...

What Are The Different Stages Of Bladder Cancer?

In addition to determining the grade of the tumor, the pathologist will determine the stage of the tumor, which refers to the extent of the cancer and therefore the chances that it has spread beyond...

What Does The Tumor Grade Mean?

The pathologist grades a tumor based on how the cells look under the microscope. The tumor cells can appear close to normal (low grade) or more aggressive and angry (high grade). As you might expect,...