What Causes Chronic Illness?

The causes of some chronic illnesses have been identified. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, “Most chronic illnesses develop long before the physician learns about their symptoms.

Over time, genetics, lifestyle choices, psychological pressure, expo-sure to chemicals, other environmental hazards, and inappropriate medications, as well as other factors, contribute to the eventual manifestation of the condition.” Although genetics are beyond our control, many of the other risk factors are within our control.

The causes of other chronic illnesses are still a mystery. Autoimmune diseases are increasing at an alarming rate. According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, 23.5 million Americans have autoimmune conditions, making these diseases the leading cause of chronic illness. There are over 100 autoimmune diseases!

No one has been able to pin-point what makes a person’s immune system go hay-wire and attack the healthy self. As scientists uncover risk factors for chronic illnesses, we can become more and more proactive in preventing them. As more causes for chronic illnesses are discovered,treatments will improve and cures may be discovered. Just as HIV/AIDS has moved from terminal to chronic for most patients, so will some chronic conditions move to curable.


I got sick every year around Christmas time. I would hope whatever it was that made me so tired and achy would go away with time. Most years there was no improvement until after Easter. At first I went to doctors, but the answer was always the same. They told me I had a virus or some-thing that was going around. There was really nothing they could do. I was working too hard and should take a week or so off. They prescribed high doses of ibuprofen and sent me on my way.

After a while, I stopped looking for answers and just toughed it out. Maybe I was just a weak person. Maybe it was all in my head. Finally, I got so sick that a friend had to call an ambulance. It took just over 1 week in the hospital before I finally got a diagnosis!