What Are The Usual Medications That Doctors Prescribe For CHF Patients?

Physicians use various types of medications when treating patients with CHF, each of which has a different function. Although the symptoms of CHF can be treated and improved by therapy, your doctor will also want to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of CHF in an attempt to prevent progression and worsening of symptoms. A study of conventional medications for the treatment of CHF reported the following percentages of use:

Diuretics, 82%
ACE inhibitors, 53%
Nitrates, 49%
Digitalis, 46%
Potassium, 40%
Aspirin, 36%
Calcium channel blockers, 20%
Coumadin (Warfarin), 17%
Beta blockers, 15%
Magnesium, 10%

Note: It is important to remember when being treated for heart failure that you should not take other medicines unless they have been discussed with your doctor. This especially includes OTC (nonprescription) medicines for appetite control, asthma, colds, cough, hay fever, or sinus problems, since they may tend to in-crease your blood pressure.

Helen’s comment: To get the best results from your medications, you must take the drugs as directed. During a recent illness I was not consistent in following my medicine schedule, sometimes forgetting and some-times deliberately refusing to take my medicine. As a result, I suffered a relapse and was rushed to the ER of a local hospital. Needless to say, I really learned the importance of taking my medicine “as prescribed ” .