What Chemicals Regulate Emotions? What Chemical Imbalance Occurs In Depression?

Literally thousands of different chemicals participate  in brain function and fall into different groups based  on their chemical structure, mechanism of action, psychotropic effects, from where they originally come, or  disease process they are designed to treat. The chemicals affecting emotional states in the brain consist of  three broad types of compounds: neurotransmitters,  which are chemically derived from single amino acids,  the core constituents of proteins; neuropeptides, small  links of amino acids that together form a protein with  psychoactive effects; and hormones, chemicals made  in different regions throughout the body that are  released into the bloodstream and have psychoactive  effects.  

Hundreds of different neurotransmitters exist in the  brain, and they fall in different groups as well based on  their chemical structure.  The  biogenic  amines  are the  most understood group of neurotransmitters and  include dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.   Each biogenic amine is made within a small region of  the brain, but axons from the neurons in those areas of  the brain disseminate these neurotransmitters widely  throughout the brain. All three of the noted biogenic  amines are involved in the regulation of mood. Dopamine, for example, is implicated in the brain’s natural  reward system and therefore is seen as pleasure generating.  

Norepinephrine  is linked to the hormone  epinephrine, also known as adrenaline.  Adrenaline has  become associated with all risk-taking activities that  cause a “rush.”   Serotonin  traditionally was linked to  activities involving sleep, appetite, and sexual function,  better known in psychiatry as vegetative activities, but  more recently has been implicated in control of mood  and anxiety.   

A large body of evidence supports the roles of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in mood regulation, although ongoing research is investigating the  role of various other neurotransmitters in depression as  well. Where does the evidence come from? Basically,  the evidence stems from three sources: primarily from  our understanding of the biologic and clinical effects  of various psychoactive agents on the brain, secondarily  from postmortem human studies, and finally from  experimentation with animal models. Some of the evidence includes the following:     

Depletion of serotonin (by other medications such as certain antihypertensives) can precipitate depression.    

Patients who have successfully committed suicide by  violent means have evidence of reduced serotonin  levels in the   central nervous system   based on post-mortem analyses.    

Antidepressant medications increase the functional  capacity of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine to varying degrees in the brain.    

Successfully treated depression with an antidepressant can be reversed by blocking transport of the  amino acid   tryptophan   that is used to make serotonin.    

Nearly all effective antidepressant medications affect receptors for dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brains of animal models.   

In depression, the biogenic amines are believed to be  insufficient in quantity within the synaptic cleft, and  thus proper communication to the receiving neuron  does not occur. Medications used as treatment for  depression typically improve the signals between  nerves by directly increasing the amount of dopamine,  serotonin, or norepinephrine activity in the synaptic  clefts between nerves. This can be done by blocking  either the destruction of the neurotransmitter or the  reuptake of the neurotransmitter.

There is, however, a  secondary effect. Increasing the amount of neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft affects both the amount of  other neurotransmitters and the numbers of receptors  available to receive these neurotransmitters. If one  thinks of the body as continually adjusting itself to  maintain a proper balance, the increase in the amount  of neurotransmitter causes a compensatory decrease in  the number of receptors to balance out the relationship  between the two. This is known in neuroscience as  down-regulation.

Down-regulation can take approxi-mately 4 to 6 weeks to occur, which is one theory as to  the reason that it may take 4 to 6 weeks for an antidepressant to have its full effect.  A balance exists between  the various chemicals involved in the regulation of signals that effect mood, and therefore depression can be  viewed simply as a chemical imbalance. 

Balance is  therefore restored through the use of medications that  either block destruction of the chemicals or block the  reuptake of those chemicals. Monoamine oxidase  inhibitors (MAOIs) are a class of medications that  block the destruction of the chemicals. Other antidepressants, including the commonly used serotonin  reuptake inhibitors, block the return or transport of  serotonin or norepinephrine into the sending neuron  so that more of the neurotransmitter remains in the  cleft.

Some studies have demonstrated evidence of similar brain changes in response to interventions  other than medications, such as from psychotherapy, as  well. It is important to keep in mind that it is not clear  at present whether the “chemical imbalance” is the  cause or result of depression because the two appear  simultaneously. Therefore the fact that depression can  improve with therapy and medication is not surprising,  and the term “chemical imbalance” does not argue for  one approach over another.