My Asthma Seems To Worsen Each Month Around The Time Of My Period

Is That Possible?

Thirty to forty percent of women with asthma who menstruate experience exacerbation of their asthma symptoms in relation to their menstrual cycle. They consistently note increased asthma symptoms either just before or during their period.

The term premenstrual asthma has been applied to this phenomenon. Hormonal changes, possibly related to rises in leukotriene levels, have been studied as a possible explanation for the increase in asthma symptoms. The first step in treating premenstrual asthma is to identify whether it is, in fact, present. A symptom diary together with daily peak-flow recordings can be helpful.

If confirmed, premenstrual asthma can be treated with one or more of the following, depending on symptom severity and individual characteristics: stepped-up controller medicine, a trial of oral leukotriene modifiers, and in severe cases, hormone therapy or oral contraceptive medication to suppress ovulation.