How Do You Account For Height In Finding A Normal Or Healthy Weight?

If Height Matters, Then How Do You Account For Height In Finding A Normal Or Healthy Weight?

Yes, height matters. The charts and calculator previ-ously noted account for height. An easy way to find the healthy weight for your child has been developed and takes into account both weight and height. It is called the body mass index (BMI).

The calculation is a bit complex. It is figured by taking the weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the height in meters squared (m2). This works easily in the metric system but is a little more complicated in the pounds/inches Amer-ican system.The formula is as follows: For example, the BMI of a child who is 5-feet and 1-inch (61 inches) tall and weighs 105 pounds would be calculated as:

An easier way to find this is by using an already created calculator (see the Resources for some online examples).

The BMI is not in and of itself a measure of fat in the body. Other, more complicated ways of doing that, including measuring skin-fold thickness, are available . Nonetheless, the BMI for most peo-ple is a very good tool for evaluating excess weight .