What Is Respiratory Distress?

Respiratory distress is a medical term used to describe severe shortness of breath. It occurs when there is not enough oxygen in the blood due to problems with the ability of the lungs to take in oxygen. When you are  in respiratory distress, you may be short of breath  and get out of breath by doing simple tasks such as walking across a room, brushing your teeth, or some-times just resting in a chair or in bed. Respiratory  distress occurs in CHF patients when the fluid backs up in the lungs (called  pulmonary edema). Respiratory distress is a serious condition that should prompt patients to call their doctor or an ambulance. Respiratory distress can lead to respiratory failure.

Victoria’s comment: I’ve been in respiratory distress several times. It’s an experience I try hard not to repeat. At first it feels like you have a cold or bronchitis. Then the wheezing and shortness of breath get worse. For me it took almost a week to get really bad. Then, I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath or I was drowning. My husband had to call an ambulance to get me to the emergency room. I spent a week in the hospital.