I Can Do To Reduce My Children’s Risk Of Getting Diabetes?

There is presently little that can reliably be done to reduce a person’s risk of type 1 diabetes. However, type 2 diabetes has under-gone a dramatic increase in children and adolescents in recent years, and it is clear that this is driven, in the most part, by childhood and adolescent over-weight and obesity as well as lack of regular exercise. Therefore, establishment of a healthy pattern of eating in childhood, without excess calorie intake, and encouragement of regular exercise can be the most effective means of preventing the development of diabetes.

It is important not only to provide children with these elements, but to ensure that they under-stand how to make healthy choices for themselves and that they realize the lifelong benefits that maintenance of healthy body weight and regular exercise can bring. In this way, they are more likely to establish and attach importance to a healthy lifestyle in adulthood and thus reduce their likelihood of developing diabetes lifelong.