Diabetes 2 Page

How Does The Treatment Based On “Lizard Spit” Work?

The treatment based on lizard spit is exenatide (Byetta®), which is a synthetic version of a compound found in the saliva of a specific type of poisonous lizard that inhabits the southwestern United States and...

Diabetes Treatment Will Cause Me To Gain Weight?

I am afraid that my diabetes treatment will cause me to gain weight. How can I prevent this? Some types of medication for diabetes do tend to lead to weight gain. This is especially true...

My Doctor Says That I Need To Start Insulin

If I do, will I ever get off it? People with type 1 diabetes usually cannot discontinue insulin use once they have started. This is because of the very severe deficiency of insulin in this...

Who Should Take Pills And Who Should Take Insulin?

Presently, it is necessary for all patients with type 1 diabetes to take insulin by injection or pump. This is because they are profoundly deficient in insulin, which is essential for life. No other therapies...

What Are The Best And Safest Pills For Diabetes?

There is really no best or safest pill for treatment of diabetes, because certain pills (usually called oral antidiabetic drugs or OADs) are appropriate for certain patients but not for others. Therefore, it is important...

What Should I Eat And What Should I Avoid?

It depends. Nutrient needs are based on a number of different factors. Weight and coexisting conditions like high cholesterol and high  blood pressure are important in determining an appropriate meal  plan. Most people with type...

Footwear And Foot Care For Diabetes

I hear a lot about footwear and foot care for diabetes. Why is this so important? Proper care and protection of the feet are extremely important for people with diabetes. This is due to the...

Can My Diabetes Affect My Sex Life?

If so, how and what can I do about it? Diabetes can have a profound effect upon a person’s sexual drive, functioning, and satisfaction. This is especially apparent in men, although there is some evidence...

What Is Diabetic Nephropathy?

Diabetic nephropathy is the term used to describe kidney damage that occurs in diabetes, usually of long-standing. The damage to the kidney in diabetes can result from the high blood sugar itself, which leads to...

What Is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is damage to the eye that results from chronically untreated or inadequately treated high blood sugar. In its more advanced form, it can result in severe visual loss or blindness if untreated, and...

What Is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is the term used to describe the usually chronic damage to nerves that occurs as a result of untreated, or inadequately treated, high blood sugar. It results from a complex sequence of events...

What Is Diabetic Coma?

Diabetic coma is loss of consciousness occurring as a result of very high blood sugar. Its causes are similar in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but with the important difference that other abnormalities...