Family History Of Macular Degeneration

I have a family history of macular degeneration. Is there anything I can do to avoid getting it myself? Although there is clearly a hereditary component to macular degeneration, having a family history does not guarantee that subsequent family members will acquire it. With regard to decreasing one’s risk, at this time, there is no absolute means of preventing its onset. There are, however, actions that may prove beneficial. For instance, eating a well-balanced diet with foods rich in a source of antioxidants, such as spinach, col-lard greens, and kale, may be beneficial.

Studies have shown that patients deficient in antioxidants have a higher risk of developing various stages of macular degeneration. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids twice a week into one’s diet may also be helpful. Although studies are ongoing as to whether or not these polyunsaturated fatty acids are beneficial in preventing macular degeneration, there appears to be a growing body of proof that they are beneficial in other diseases such as cardiac disease and depression.

There is no proof that taking vitamin supplements is helpful for those without a certain degree of macular degeneration already present. In fact, the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) did not show a benefit of supplemental antioxidants in patients with early stages of age-related macular degeneration. There is also no proof that protecting one’s eyes from the sun will prevent the onset of macular degeneration; however, common sense dictates that this certainly would not hurt a patient and may, at some point, prove beneficial.

Nick’s comment: I was 60 years old when my macular degeneration was first diagnosed. At the age of 28, I became a certified ski instructor and was employed at Wildcat Mountain in Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire, opposite Mt. Washington. Being young and “cool,” we thought we looked better with-out sunglasses (protection). I’ve been told that the glare of the sun bouncing off of the snow doubles the intensity of the reflection. I am sure this was not a benefit to my eyes.