Psoriasis 2 Page

If I Have A Biopsy, How Do I Interpret The Results?

A skin biopsy is a small sample of skin that is examined under the microscope to help diagnose a disease. Reasons to take a biopsy include evaluating a puzzling skin problem, removing or sampling a...

If I Have Psoriasis, Am I At Risk For Other Diseases As Well?

People with psoriasis have a substantially increased risk for a particular type of joint disease called psoriatic arthritis. This type of arthritis, specific to psoriasis sufferers, causes pain, swelling, and joint destruction in a distinct...

How Does Someone Know Whether He Or She Has Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is usually diagnosed by a general practitioner or dermatologist. It is most often a clinical diagnosis, meaning that the physical examination findings alone make the diagnosis clear. In different people, psoriasis tends to show...

What Are Common Reactions To Being Diagnosed With Psoriasis?

When first diagnosed with psoriasis, different people have different reactions. Anxiety, anger, and fear are not uncommon. Some people may find relief at being able to name and understand their particular skin disease. Most people...

How Bad Can Psoriasis Get?

John’s comment: Bad enough that I had severe pain when I walked due to psoriasis on the bottom of my feet, bad enough that I had severe pain when water ran against my fingers that...

What Causes Psoriasis To Get Worse?

The course of psoriasis is different in each person. Some people find that their psoriasis is cyclical (following seasons of the year or other events), and others find the disease unremitting and constant over time....

What Else Besides Skin Is Affected By Psoriasis?

For most people, the skin is the only manifestation of their psoriasis. However, it is useful to be aware of less common manifestations of psoriasis that occur else-where in the body. Aside from the more...

Can Psoriasis Be Cured?

At this time, no cure exists for psoriasis. Like many immune-mediated diseases, it is treated with therapies that decrease immune activity. Unfortunately, no current treatment decreases the activity of the immune cells permanently. Current therapies...

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

One of the most common misconceptions about psoriasis is that it is a contagious disease. Much of the uncertainty and fear people experience when seeing psoriasis for the first time comes from a fear of...

How Is Psoriasis Diagnosed?

Psoriasis is often diagnosed by a dermatologist or primary care physician by its characteristic appearance and locations on the body. If a person has the skin changes typical of psoriasis, a diagnosis can be made...

Why Does A Person Get Psoriasis?

Aside from an association with some immune system genes, the reason an individual gets psoriasis is not known. Studies to date have investigated the role of bacteria, viruses, and environmental triggers without conclusive answers. Although...

Who Gets Psoriasis?

Any person can develop psoriasis. This common skin condition does not spare any gender, ethnicity, or those with other skin diseases. For most people, psoriasis is diagnosed in their teens or 20s. Men and women...

How Common Is Psoriasis?

Statistics vary, but current estimates indicate that 2% to 3% of the U.S. population, or around 5 to 7 million adults, have some psoriasis on their skin. Approximately 200,000 people are newly diagnosed with psoriasis...

What Causes Psoriasis?

The exact cause of psoriasis is still unknown. Two processes—rapid skin growth and inflammation—com-bine to cause the skin changes that lead to psoriasis. The initiating trigger for these processes—what makes the process begin in a...

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic, lifelong skin disease characterized by skin with white scale, redness, swelling, and itching or pain. It appears without a trigger or warning in the teens to 30s (for most people) and...

What Is The Immune System?

The  immune system works to protect the body from infection. It monitors the body constantly and springs into action when it senses a foreign presence such as bacteria, a virus, or a fungus. In some...

What Is Skin?

The skin is the largest organ in the body, covering 1.8 square meters of surface area. Over that area the skin senses temperature, pressure, and pain; conserves water; sweats to cool the body; and heals...