What Is The Difference Between Psychiatry And Psychology?

Historically, the sciences were considered a part of   philosophy called natural philosophy, because they pertained to thinkers concerned with the state of nature.  Psychology was that part of natural philosophy associated with human nature. As philosophers of human  nature were primarily concerned with actions that  could be judged as right and wrong, psychology was  considered a moral science. This was the purview of  philosophers who were contemplating the normal  range of human behavior. Alternatively, abnormal  behavior, more commonly known as psychopathology,  was generally the purview of physicians.

Those physicians consisted of either neurologists or general practitioners whose responsibilities included the general  medical care of patients committed to asylums for the  mentally ill. No special training existed in the diagnosis  and treatment of mental illness. Expertise was there-fore derived primarily from exposure to those types of  patients and not by any specialized training. When science separated from philosophy with the introduction  of the experimental method, the field of psychology  also began to adopt an equally experimental approach. 

Psychology retained its status in the university as an academic discipline devoted to understanding how  human behavior and the mind worked.   Freud, trained as a neurologist, was the first physician  to develop and  describe a method of therapy whereby  the patient said whatever came to mind—called   free  association . 

The therapist would listen critically and  link various dreams, memories, and stories that the  patient related to him or her and provide an interpretation for the patient as to the   unconscious   meanings  of the patient’s narrative. Through these interpretations the patient developed insight, allowing the  patient to make changes in both his or her attitudes  and behavior so that he or she could be relieved of pain  and suffering. Freud coined this method psychoanalysis.

This was the beginning of modern psychotherapy.  Freud was instrumental in expanding the treatment of  mental illness in such a way as to take it out of the asylums and put it in the office. He also strongly believed  that although psychoanalysis required very specialized  training, a medical degree was not required to learn  and practice the technique. Thus the door was opened  to psychologists becoming clinicians rather than solely  scientists and philosophers. Since that time universities  and professional schools of psychology have expanded  to train psychologists to become clinicians. Psychology  students can choose a career track in either research or  the practice of clinical psychology.

A clinical psychologist typically has undergone 4 years of undergraduate  education and 4 years of graduate education in psychology, followed by a 1-year internship in a mental  healthcare setting, treating patients under the supervision of a senior psychologist.   Psychiatrists have a radically different educational  path, having grown as a specialty out of the asylum system where physicians took responsibility for the  general health care of the mentally ill who were con-fined to asylums. Psychiatrists begin studies in human  anatomy and physiology as medical students.

Graduating with a medical degree and the same educational  background as all physicians, psychiatrists spend a year  in an internship that may include psychiatry but must  include medicine or some other medical rotation and  neurology. After internship one spends an additional  3 years as a resident physician, treating patients in a  variety of settings under the supervision of a senior  psychiatrist. As physicians, psychiatrists are licensed to  prescribe medications just as all physicians are. How-ever, because of their specialty, they develop a singular  expertise in using medications to treat mental illness.