How Do I Qualify For Help From My State’s Commission For The Blind?

State Commissions for the Blind provide a wide range of social and rehabilitation services to legally blind residents of all ages. Services are available based on an individual’s needs and interests and are provided free of charge. Individuals can qualify for help from their state’s Commission for the Blind if they meet the definition of legal blindness.

This definition is dependent upon visual acuity being 20/200 or worse in the per-son’s better-seeing eye, meaning that the person must be 20/200 or worse in both eyes. If one eye is 20/200 and the other slightly better, say 20/80 or 20/100, then the individual would not qualify for the definition of legal blindness and would not qualify for assistance from his or her state Commission for the Blind.

Some of the services include: 

Vocational rehabilitation services
Social services
Children’s services
Orientation and mobility services
Deaf-blind services
Rehabilitation teachers

Benefits include:

Real estate tax exemptions
Auto excise tax exemptions
State and federal income tax exemptions/deductions
Handicap parking placard or plates.