Macular Degeneration 3 Page

Is Macula Another Word For Macular Degeneration?

I Have Often Heard Macular Degeneration Referred To Simply As “macula.” Is Macula Another Word For Macular Degeneration? Macula is not an abbreviation for macular degeneration. While many people refer to macular degeneration simply as...

What Is Meant By A Vision Of 20/20 Or 20/200?

Vision is measured by eye charts placed at standard distances from a patient. The Snellen eye chart is the standard eye chart used for measuring visual acuity in eye clinics as well as many physicians’...

Will I Go Blind From Macular Degeneration?

No. Total blindness from macular degeneration is extremely rare. Macular degeneration typically affects the central part of vision, referred to as the macula. The macula actually represents a very small component of a patient’s overall...

Can Cataract Surgery Affect My Age-related Macular Degeneration?

This has been a somewhat controversial question, as many patients have both cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. As patients’ cataracts have pro-gressed, some have held off vision-improving surgery due to the fear of it impacting...

Can A Younger Person Have Macular Degeneration?

Yes, although questions remain as to whether this is truly age-related macular degeneration or simply another form of macular degeneration. Younger patients can develop drusen and pigment changes characteristic of those seen in older patients...

Is Age-related Macular Degeneration Truly Age Related?

If So, At What Age Should We Be Concerned? The risk of age-related macular degeneration and sub-sequent visual loss clearly increases with age. The risk of visual loss in patients under 50 years of age...

What is the Macula?

The macula is the center part of the retina responsible for clear central vision. The macula actually occupies only a small part of the overall retina but is critically important to vision. It is the...

What Is The Retina?

The retina is the tissue lining the inside of the eye. It is a light-sensitive tissue that lines most of the eye, excluding the clear front part of the eye (the cornea). It is easiest...

What Is Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?

Age-related  macular degeneration is a degenerative disease affecting the center part of the retina known as the  macula. The macula, which is described in more detail in macula, is the center part of the retina...