Uterine Cancer 2 Page

What Is A Tumor “Grade”?

The  grade is a way to describe what cancer cells look like under the microscope and to the degree they appear abnormal. The degree of changes seen in the cells tells the pathologist how abnormal...

What Is A PET Scan? Are They Good For Diagnosis?

FDG-PET stands for  fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission test. It is a radiologic study that uses information about the metabolism or activity of tumors to determine the extent a cancer has spread. A PET scan is done...

How Do You Diagnose Uterine Carcinoma?

Fortunately endometrial cancer is usually diagnosed early; approximately 80% of cases are diagnosed as stage I, or confined to the uterus, also called the corpus. This is because most women have symptoms early in the...

Are There Different Classifications Of Tumors?

In addition to distinguishing them by histology, doctors can think of them as two “types” called Type I and Type II.Type I endometrial cancer is caused by an excess of the hormone estrogen. This excess...

What Does It Mean To Have An Endometrial Adenocarcinoma?

As we discussed, endometrial adenocarcinomas arise from the lining of the endometrium, and hence are also termed epithelial cancers. The specific type of adeno-carcinoma is diagnosed by the pathologist, based on what the cells look...

Can Medications Cause Uterine Cancer?

Yes, particularly estrogen-containing compounds. In addition to Tamoxifen, using estrogen replacement therapy can increase the risk of uterine cancer. This is why, if used, it is given with progesterone, which is another female hormone that...

Women With Breast Cancer Can Get Uterine Cancer?

I Had Heard That Women With Breast Cancer Can Get Uterine Cancer. Is That True? Women who are taking a selective estrogen blocker like Tamoxifen can indeed get uterine cancer. This happens because Tamoxifen will...

How Can Uterine Cancer Run In Families?

Uterine cancers can occur in families due to the passage of a DNA mutation that causes an abnormality in the genes that helps them remain normal. The mutation that runs in some families that can...

Are There Risk Factors For Uterine Cancer?

The risk factors for uterine adenocarcinomas (Type I) are associated with excessive estrogen stimulation. Women who are obese, have polycystic ovarian syndrome, or take unopposed estrogen replacement (as seen with drugs like tamoxifen or estrogen-only...

What Are The Symptoms Of Uterine Cancer?

The usual symptom of the most common type of uterine cancer is abnormal or heavy bleeding. This bleeding may be red blood like a menstrual period, or may be very scant. Some women describe their...

What Are The Types Of Uterine Cancer?

The uterus can give rise to different cancers. The most common is a glandular tumor that starts in the endometrium, called endometrial adenocarcinoma. Sometimes a distinction is made between two types of adenocarcinoma. Type I...

How Big Of A Problem Is Uterine Cancer?

Each year, more than 40,000 women are diagnosed with uterine cancer and 7,400 women die of the disease in the United States. The majority of these cases are adenocarcinomas. Worldwide it affects almost 200,000 women...

How Do You Screen For Uterine Cancer?

There is no screening system for uterine cancer, though sometimes a  Pap smear, which is used to screen for cervical cancer, will detect cancer cells coming from the uterus. The Pap test is a procedure...

What Is A Fibroid? Can It Become A Uterine Cancer?

A fibroid is a muscular tumor of the uterus and develops from the wall of the uterus and can develop into the uterine cavity (called a submucosal fibroid), within the wall of the uterus (called...

Where Is The Uterus?

The ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus make up a woman’s internal female reproductive organs and lie deep in the pelvis where they are connected to one another. The uterus attaches to the vagina at the...

Is Cancer Contagious?

Cancer is not something that you can catch. It is not passed on from one person to another like the common cold or the flu, and it is not something that you can get from...

What Is Cancer?

Cancer is the end product of cells that no longer follow the usual order of cell growth, division, and death. Instead, these cells divide uncontrollably, and grow out of control. In addition, these cells do...