What is Hydralazine?

Hydralazine widens blood vessels, easing blood flow and increasing circulation. It also may increase the contractility of the heart muscle. Hydralazine is not as frequently used as diuretics and ACE inhibitors, but does have a place in CHF therapy.

Hydralazine is often combined with other medications, such as nitrates, to reduce CHF symptoms. Physicians have found that hydralazine therapy increases resting cardiac performance as well as increasing the patient’s ability to exercise. There is also evidence that improved cardiac performance is sustained at least in some patients during maintenance hydralazine therapy.

It is not known if using hydralazine on all CHF patients results in decreased mortality. Nevertheless, some studies suggest that in patients with severe chronic CHF, and in African-Americans, hydralazine therapy provides a better prognosis compared to that expected with conventional therapy.

Generic Name Brand Name
hydralazine Apresoline

Side effects of hydralazine can include headaches, rapid heartbeat, and joint pain.