A fluorescein angiogram is a dye test that helps to diagnose and characterize diseases of the retina. Fluorescein is a dye that is injected into a vein in your arm and then travels throughout the blood vessels in your body, illuminating the blood vessels when exposed to a certain type of light. As the dye reaches the vessels in the eye, a camera photographs the eye.
The fluorescein dye is seen in the normal vessels in the eye, but it is also seen in abnormal vessels or other types of disease states.
Macular degeneration is characterized by certain fluorescein angiographic findings, such as leakage from the abnormal blood vessels, and the size and site of the leakage can be detailed with this testing.
Fluorescein angiography is commonly performed in newly diagnosed macular degeneration; it is often repeated when changes occur such as sudden vision loss or sudden onset of distorted vision. Retina specialists may also use fluorescein angiography to help make treatment decisions, such as when to hold or restart intraocular injections.